Friday, March 6, 2009


Birthday dinner outfit
Originally uploaded by elletrain
So...I haven't been knitting too much these last few weeks so I haven't finished anything to post. I thought I'd just do a non-knitting post with a list of things that have gone on lately. Here 'tis:

-had a great great bday and got Italian lessons from my sweetie (Rosetta Stone)

-got a new spiffy plaid coat on sale

-got to see amazing college friends for a weekend in LR and got to attend one of the sweetest weddings ever!

-started finally getting some design freelance jobs (woohoo!)

-am having successful knitting classes at the ice cream shop

-got my booty off the couch and began working out with Pinky's trainer 2x a week... am feeling good!

-Pinky got a new job that he'll start in the next week that he's really looking forward to (yay!)

-got new bikes for Valentine's Day so we can ride around the East side and see the sites

-celebrated a fun birthday with him a gift certif. to Aquatic Critter so he can pick out some pet fish...he's been wanting some for a while now :)

-am getting to spend quality time with the best man in the world ♥

I'm so very blessed right now and am enjoying the changes in my life. It's pretty amazing how things can develop and change from one day to the next. I promise to keep this thing updated a little more because I'm realizing how writing this is making me so thankful for what I have!!
Until then...xoxo

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